Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday 21 Jan at 7:30 am Regular Hashers and returnee hashers Peter and Rosie, Howard and Shanti, met in front of the Horticultural Gardens, Belvedere Road entrance, for a walk, followed by a Taj Breakfast, followed by a visit to the Marble Palace which is open to the public at 10 am.
This was a treat for those who hadn't seen the palace yet.
Hope the others enjoyed the Jazz Festival at DI this weekend, starting with the French Jazz Band with Erik Trufazz. I met up with hasher Alice in Singapore and she remebers you all and hopes to come to Cal soon.

1 comment:

Calcutta Hash Walks said...

Neela: sorry to have missed Pete and Rosie.
Say hello to all and sundry that remember...
I always enjoy your comments, loved the colloqui-sms that
only calcutta can produce
am sitting in crazy weather last week it was 70 degrees C and tee
shirts were the dress code in Manhattan, this week its snow storm,
and 25 or even lower... bone chilling dingy cold..snowflakes galore
they had one even in Malibu california...IMAGINE... snow in southern california..
By comparison Cal must be cosy warm by now.
How's Saraswati puja this weekend...we are having one at the
Vedanta society in NYC... Swami Tathagataji Maharaj will do the
honors and we will have a veg lunch afterwards...

see you soon